Prices from £340
With multiple drum kits on site, snare drums and a shed load of cymbals to shake a stick at, we're the place for your drum recording. John began his music career as a touring and professional drummer and always takes care of the kits on site to ensure they're always ready. The mic cupboard is bursting with drum mic options - from ribbon overheads - to more traditional C414s - and our own secret room mic'ing technique used on hundreds of recordings.
Case Study: Rat Race
Drums tracked at Crown Lane, along with all the strings, brass and of course.. tons of guitars
Drum recording is our happy place! We've chosen this example, as the entire project was tracked and put together here and we love the tone of the drums - and it's just a great track all round too! We use the Glyn John's technique, augmented with plenty of spot mics, wherever required.
John Merriman and gary McGuiness
Engineering and Production
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